Custom Inquiry Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.General Contact InformationNAME *FirstLastCOMPANY NAME *PHONE *EMAIl *Please provide as much detailed information as possible about your product needs or your project.File Upload Click or drag files to this area to upload. You can upload up to 5 files. I also want to provide information for a quote on one of these products:Carbide Blank(s) Cut to Your SpecificationsCarbide Slitting SawsDiamond WheelsCoolant Hole RodCustomer Order InformationQUANTITY *LENGTHWIDTHTHICKNESSDIAMETERMultiple ChoiceGroundUngroundADDITIONAL INFO *Carbide Slitting Saws InformationQUANTITY OF BE QUOTED *TOOL DESCRIPTION *Carbide Grinding Wheels InformationQUANTITY OF BE QUOTED *WHEEL SPECS & ADDITIONAL INFORMATIONMicrograin Coolant Hole Rod InformationOUTSIDE DIAMETER *PLEASE CHOOSE FINISH *GroundUnground (oversized with grind stock)OVERALL LENGTH *TOLERANCE *NUMBER OF HOLES *HOLES DIAMETER *Bolt Circle Diameter (if more than one hole) *Diameter of circle that passes through the center point of each of the coolant holes. Configuration of Holes *StraightHelicalQUANTITY OF BE QUOTED *ADDITIONAL INFORMATION *Submit